New Worlds

New Worlds

For Pondering There is the world above the surface where we live, and there are new worlds below where we are only visitors. May your life adventure take you to whole new worlds.


For Pondering Sometimes we tend to characterize all people the same because appearances may be similar. The truth is no two are just alike and we are all unique inside and out. Celebrate your inner and outer uniqueness. 


For Pondering: August is taken from a Latin word meaning: noble and majestic. What/who comes to your mind when you hear the words noble and majestic?


For Pondering To simply float about….eyes closed…laying back…completely relaxed…Aaaaaahhhhhh. That could be you this week, right now in fact, even if you don’t have a pool. Simply close your eyes and let your imagination take you there....


For Pondering: As we celebrate our Independence Day, we celebrate the high price of sacrifice that earned it. And we recognize the necessity of living in a world of interdependence, and the high price of ignoring it. 
Memorial Day

Memorial Day

For Pondering: One of the great archetypes of mythology is the Warrior. The Warrior defends the boundaries, stands up for what is right, and is willing to risk their life for the common good. What boundaries will the Warrior in you be willing to defend this Memorial...